About Us

We are obligated as a fiduciary to put the interests of our clients first. Our goal is to protect your interests at all times and to demonstrate our commitment to our fiduciary duties of honesty, good faith, and fair dealing with you. All of our associated persons are expected to adhere strictly to these principles. We maintain and enforce written policies designed to prevent the misuse or dissemination of material, non-public information about you or your account holdings by persons associated with our firm. Clients or prospective clients may contact us for a copy of our Code of Ethics.

Risk vs. Return
All investments involve risk, either through loss of capital or through loss of purchasing power due to inflation. There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will meet its objective. We are mindful, in both our manager selection process and our internal portfolio management practices, that investing is always a trade off between risk and return.

Additional information about Adaptive Asset Management LLC, including its Form ADV Part 2 Disclosure Brochure, is available at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov. You can search for information on AAM by entering its unique identifying number, known as a CRD number. The CRD number for Adaptive Asset Management LLC is 158406.